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You're viewing Pangya! Golf With Style Cheat Codes

Game Name : Pangya! Golf With Style
System : Nintendo Wii
Date Added : 2007-12-20 23:52:21
Views : 23468

Unlockable Characters
Super Swing Golf unlockable Characters...
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Arin's final storylineComplete the first storyline as all characters except for Kaz. Then, wear Arin's Magic School Uniform.
Dolfini (caddy)Complete the first Pangya Storyline as Kooh.
Lola (caddy)Complete the first Pangya Storyline as Uncle Bob.
Pipin (caddy)Complete the Tutorial.
Play as ArinComplete Pangya Festa as Kooh.
Play as CeciliaComplete Pangya Festa as Hana or Uncle Bob.
Play as KazComplete Arin's final storyline.
Play as KoohComplete Pangya Festa as Max.
Play as MaxComplete Pangya Festa as Cecilia.
Play as Uncle BobComplete Pangya Festa as Scout.
Quma (caddy)Complete the first Pangya Storyline as Hana.
Tiki (caddy)Complete the first Pangya Storyline as Max.

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